The Sleeping pattern of the billionaire
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Sleep is a crucial biological period in human. Sleep is required to keep your energy intact and physical well-being. As an average person spends 25 years of their lifetime, sleeping and another 5 years trying to sleep, that’s shocking fact. Sleep can not be omitted, as we all know, but there is a short cut out. There is a myth or rumor that we all hear that you have to get at least 8 hours of sleep to get going for the day but that is not completely true, of course it will be true in the case of children, their organism demands for them to sleep.
There is a solution and a short cut, for better life-style and be awake and productive at the same time. Here is many successful people’s sleeping pattern.
Try to sleep between 10pm and 11pm at night, which is not too early or late, set your alarm to either 2am or 3am (if you will not be able to get up for starters, then 3:30 is fine as well) then it is a fresh air and a fresh mind that could start for productivity.
As follows up, there is a bonus don’t be scared, when it is around noon, in my own case around 1pm and 2pm, I tend to take an hour or so sleep which removes all my tired stressed body and ready to go for another half of the day.
As a conclusion, this pattern will take time for you to get used to it but once you are in then you will feel and see the difference, just try it yourself, think of all the years you could save and all productivity you could do. It could be better than sleeping almost half of your life.
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