The Last Delivery (short story)
Title: The Last Delivery The sun hung low as Rachel tightened her grip on the cool steering wheel of her beat-up delivery van. The urban sprawl of Southbridge had turned desolate in the late hours, the faint flicker of streetlights casting long shadows that danced in and out of view. She glanced at the GPS; her final stop promised a generous tip, but something felt off. With heavy traffic gone, the roads were almost eerily quiet. She approached the address—a small, dilapidated house squatting at the end of a long driveway overgrown with weeds. The brick exterior was fading, akin to a forgotten memory, and the steps creaked as she made her way toward the door. Rachel's heart raced as she raised her hand to knock, feeling a strange pull from the silence inside. No lights, no sounds—the air was thick with a tension she couldn't quite place. Just as she was about to turn back, she steeled herself. A job was a job, after all. She rapped lightly on the door. Silence. She knocked agai...